CUBICON, 3D Printer & AI Robotics Company



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3D Printer

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[Single Plus] The filament cannot be removed from the nozzle body.

[Single Plus] The filament is not attached to the bed.

[Single Plus] The nozzle scratches on the bed.

[Single Plus] There is a difference between modeling and output.

[Single Plus] After updating to Cubicreator4 version, the slicing stops at 99%.

[Single Plus] I want to initialize the firmware.

[Single Plus] I want to update the firmware.

[Single Plus] It says No Firmware.

[Single Plus] It says auto-leveling failed.

[Single Plus] It makes a noise (rattle) and auto-leveling fail.

[Single Plus] Even after cleaning the leveling sensor, auto-leveling keeps fails.

[Single Plus] The \'Auto-leveling Check\' keeps appeared when printing out.

[Single Plus] The filament goes inwards.

[Single Plus] I want to remove the filament fitted.

[Single Plus] The filament keeps twisting in the filament box.