CUBICON, 3D Printer & AI Robotics Company



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3D Printer

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[Style Plus] There is a difference between modeling and output.

[Style Plus] I want to clean up the extruder.

[Style Plus] I want to replace the extruder nozzle kit.

[Style Plus] I want to remove the filament fitted.

[Style Plus] The nozzle makes noise without an output.

[Style Plus] The filament keeps twisting in the filament box.

[Style] An error message (Fan failure) is displayed.

[Style] I want to detach the extruder.

[Style] I want to reinstall the detached extruder.

[Style] I want to replace the extruder nozzle kit.

[Style] The nozzle is blocked repeatedly even after cleaning.

[Style] The nozzle temperature is marked as Failed with a red light on the Selftest.

[Style] I want to remove foreign substances.

[Style] I want to clean up the extruder.

[Style] There has been a filament loading error.