CUBICON, 3D Printer & AI Robotics Company



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3D Printer

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[Style] The auto-leveling failure frequently occurs before printing.

[Style] I replaced the extruder and cleaned the interior, but the auto-leveling error was not improved.

[Style] I want to update the firmware.

[Single Plus] The cooling fan does not work smoothly.

[Single Plus] The filament in the gear part goes inwards.

[Single Plus] I want to clean up the extruder.

[Single Plus] I want to replace the extruder nozzle kit.

[Single Plus] There is noise (tuck-tuck-tuck) coming from the head when printing out.

[Single Plus] Some layers are printed thin (look empty).

[Single Plus] The discharging port of the extruder is clogged.

[Single Plus] The filament does not come out.

[Single Plus] When printing out, only the head moves while the filament does not come out.

[Single Plus] The filament is not loaded/unloaded.

[Single Plus] The nozzle temperature does not go up. (The message, 'Check the nozzle temperature and try again,' is displayed.)

[Single Plus] The extruder does not move back and forth. (But it moves to the left and right direction.)