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Not Sticking to the Bed

Writer : CUBICON 20-07-07 17:35

2. 베드에 붙지 않는 필라멘트.png

It is very important that the first layer of your print is strongly connected to the printer’s build platform so that the remainder of your part can be built on this foundation. If the first layer is not sticking to the build platform, it will create problems later on. There are many different ways to cope with these first layer adhesion problems, so we will examine several typical causes below and explain how to address each one.


1. Build platform is not level

you’re having trouble getting your first layer to stick to the bed, the first thing you will want to verify is that your printer’s bed is flat and level. If the bed is not level, one side of your bed may be too close to the nozzle, while the other side is too far away. Achieving a perfect first layer requires a level print bed. Cubicon 3D printers (FFF technology) include Autolevel function, which means that it adjusts the bed level automatically and that enable to reduce the levelling troubles.


2. Nozzle starts too far away from bed

The maintaining distance uniformly between the nozzle and the bed should be checked after the bed is flat and level. If necessary, offset function help you adjust that distance


3. Nozzle starts too fast

If you print the first layer too fast, the plastic may not have time to bond to the build platform. For this reason, it is typically very useful to print the first layer at a slower speed so that the plastic has time to bond to the bed.


4. Temperature or cooling settings

Filaments tends to shrink as it cools from a warm temperature to a cool temperature. To solve this warpage, Cubicon 3D printers include heated bed. Every filament has their own temperature ranges and some of filaments tend to separate from the bed due to the bed temperature. Using kapton tape, strips of tape, special glue, additional bed material, spray, and others should be needed according to printing model, filament material, the characteristic of the bed and etc