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[S/W] Cubicreator4 V4.2.3 Release

Writer : CUBICON 19-10-28 18:15

Official Cubicreator4 V4.2.3 release share.

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Applied equipment 
* Single (3DP-110F)
* Single plus series(3DP-310F, Single Plus-320C, Single Plus-321C)
* Style series(3DP-210F, Style-220C)
* Style plus series(Style Plus-A15 Series)
* Dual pro(Dual Pro-A30C)

Cubicreator4 (V4.2.3)
* Fixed bug
- depending os setting region
- import user profile
- connect / disconnect network
- model color in Gcode viewer
- phrase updates
- other bug fixes and stability improvements

* Changes on the default settings
- infill_before_walls
- homeline_extruder_nr
- temperature in PETG filament